Question / Help Stuttering video in preview and recording


New Member
Hi, I've hooked up a Nintendo Famicom that has composite video out with both a PCI and USB capture card but see the same issue with both devices; if I record via ffmpeg it looks fine but with OBS I see occasional stuttering in the preview and recorded file (say every 10 seconds or so). I've tried lowering the bitrate and resolution as well as to try a window capture (with ffplay where it looks fine) and also a capture device, but cannot get it to run smooth.

It seems I can make it worse by altering the framerate but all common framerates give me the issue. I've uploaded examples here: and attached is my log (starting OBS and observing a stuttering preview).

With the video files, the issue is most noticeable at 8 and 21 seconds in the obs file. I'm on an Intel i3 CPU and I'm not seeing any resources nearing their limit. As you can see the ffmpeg recording looks fine.

I've tried recording to different file types, using different encoders; pretty much tried every possible setting in OBS but I feel I'm at a dead end now. I don't really care about the preview window but I'd like to be able to take a good recording. I would appreciate any comments. Thanks


  • obs.log
    5.5 KB · Views: 10


New Member
I hadn't thought it could be an issue specific to the game, but I tried other games and other systems today and cannot replicate the issue. I even tried Super Mario Bros on my Wii emulator and that *does* have the issue; so does OBS just not like Super Mario Bros?