Question / Help Stutter


Hey guys I am having an issue with obs studio 64 and 32 bit versions with there being stutter that comes along during streaming. I run 720 at 60 fps bitrate 3500 not dropped frames but its kinda weird like whenever there is any detail boom stutter for a second or two then it's ok until i look away and back again if you get what I am saying. I do have twitch video related to this log I have uploaded. It happens regardless what encoding I use and the cpu is overclocked to 4.5 rock stable tested with IBT and Prime. Any help will be appreciated. this is my log.


Forum Moderator
Are you using any image sources with special characters in the file path?

Does lowering your webcam resolution to something like 1280x720 make a difference?


No special image sources with special characters no jsut the usual clr for alerts from twitch alerts. I never thought changing the webcam resolution would make any difference tbh ill give it a shot to see if that changes anything. Thing is I know it's not my cpu as the most I have seen it get in a game is 70 percent in task manager so I rule that one out. Hope this cam resolution change helps, i'm not sure how it will but any hints/tips etc to get rid of the stutter every now and then I will try. Thanks so far any other pointers to help remedy are greatly appreciated.
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I guess I am the only one with this issue then as no other responses which is bad news for me. If I find a solution i'll let you know.
Does this happen in your preview or are viewers telling you there is stuttering?
Did you try a local recording to verify it isn't only a preview issue?


I keep the preview off but then when I notice when I watch the vods on twitch the stutter I was concerned so put it on to verify. I know flash player has issues when it comes to 60fps so I also did a local recording. I did not notice it in the preview but maybe that is due to it only being very small as when I stream there is to much on the screen to enable fullscreen. It stutters also in my local recordings, when I say stutter I need to stress it's not constant but it is enough to make me wonder where the issue is. Every stream or recording has the issue and it is starting dis hearten me a lot knowing my machine is strong enough due to the cpu/gpu usage. The game when I play is always smooth i'm just baffled. Thanks so far.
After looking over your log, three things came to mind.
You are using 48kHz as sample rate. Is this consistent across you whole setup? Try 44.1kHz:

Also, you are using an Elgato capture card.
Please read to this whole thread about an issue with the Elgato that involves microstuttering.

Are you a partnered streamer? If not your extremely high broadcast settings (3500kbps@60fps) might be causing problems for viewers.
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Yeah I changed it to 48 to be consistent. The capture card I only ever use when I use consoles and the issue is when I PC game sorry for any confusion. I have never had anyone say they have an issue watching just when I watch the videos recorded or vods I notice the issue and I am a bit of a perfectionist.
I recommend you still read through the linked thread. Seems like you need any ideas you can get to troubleshoot this issue.
If I were you, troubleshooting, and would find that thread, I would remove the Elgato temporarily and check if that changes something. If that doesn't change anything, I would start with vanilla OBS settings and check if I'd still have the issue.
Backup your scenes first, in case you decide to reinstall OBS.
Don't create scenes with overlay or change settings a lot etc, just game/display capture like you usually do and do a local recording and check it for stutters. If stuttering is gone add your scenes/overlays/browser sources one by one and make a local recording until you get the stuttering again.
Reconnect the Elgato last (or try without the Elgato being connected as first step).

Good luck and please report back if you find something.


Yeah the link is a great read and thanks for your help. This issue started before adding the legato so kinda removed that from the problem child. I will try vanilla obs and see if that breaks the problem. even though I have done this once to no avail I want to be thorough. I have also tried 32 and 64bit versions of both obs and obs studio. I thought it might be a memory bandwidth issue but my games run fine and regular obs log show duplicated frames. Again it shouldn't be the cpu struggling it's oc rock stable to 4.5 and even on veryfast it does the same as it does on fast. Memtest also passed with the ram and ran unigene valley to make sure gpu is fine. Maybe obs just hates me I don't know lol. Anyways gusy thanks for the help much appreciated and i'll try what you said and also try tinkering more to remedy this. I will report back my progress.