Question / Help Stupid to have OBS minimize to tray as you are recording the screen?


New Member
I looked at the settings , and I have it setup to minimize to tray, but when I record, the OBS window is still there.

I set shortcut key as f1 start recording and f2 to stop.

As soon as I press f1, I would like OBS window to minimize to tray, so the app is not captured on the screen!

This is insanely basic, but I search on Google and couldn't find a clear easy answer!...

I MUST be missing something here?


Right Click The OBS Icon Next To The Time. ;)


New Member
That works, but isn't there a way to have it hide automatically as soon as you start recording, and when you stop, it pops up again?

Attaching a screen capture of how I do this in Camstudio


Tomasz Góral

Active Member
F1 is not a good idea, better add ctrl+F2 or similary.
Second run OBS as Administrator right.

In Settings, General, group System Tray, select
Minimize to system tray when started,
Always minimize to system tray instead of task bar


New Member
I did alll that, and my shortcuts are CTRL+ALT+8 and CTRL+ALT+7 (changed them just in case)

The app is still open when I start recording, it doesn't minimize automatically...


Active Member
OBS doesn't minimize itself automatically on recording/streaming start and doesn't have an option for this. The configuration option "Minimize to system tray when started" defines the behavior if OBS as app is started, not if a recording within OBS is started. If you have OBS visible on your screen and want to get it minimized while recording, you have to minimize it yourself before you start the recording by clicking the minimize button on the top right corner of the OBS window. Hotkeys will not help in minimizing OBS, since there is no hotkey definition for that. You might use the standard Windows keyboard shortcut for that: first press ALT-SPACE to open the system menu of the currently active app, then press "m" for "Minimize".

The point of hotkeys is that you always keep OBS minimized and control OBS only with hotkeys. While you do this, you have a minimum amount of mouse options by right-clicking the OBS icon in the system tray.


New Member
So what would be the fastest way to trim out the first 5 and last 5 seconds of the recorded mkv without using dedicated video editing software. Since it is compressed quite nice I want to keep it that way but want to get rid of the trailer and ending infinity screens..

Tomasz Góral

Active Member
Fast way ?
simple command:
ffmpeg -i oldfile.mkv -ss 00:00:05 -t 00:00:30 -c copy newfile.mkv

-ss 00:00:05 - start point
-t 00:00:30 - length of new video file (e.g. old file 40 seconds, new file only 30 seconds)


New Member
I also have this question. I found that I can drag the start and stop controls out to the side but when I minimize OBS the controls are minimized too. I'd be happy with the start and stop shortcut keys if there's no other solution. How did you do make the shortcut keys?


New Member
Maybe try using a separate program to send a macro? You could get it to send the shortcut keys for minimize and then record. When you want to record and hide OBS, you'd only have to activate the macro.


New Member
Go to settings, general minimize to tray. then download autohotkey create an script with the same key you use for starting recording, the ~ symbol presses the key you declare next CTRL+ALT+8 and CTRL+ALT+7
; #If WinActive("AHK_EXE OBS64.EXE") ; use this if you want to only activate if you are in obs.
~^!8:: ;same key you use for start recording
WinMinimize, OBS 29.1.3 ;you can also hide the window and show instead of minimizing it WinHide, OBS 29.1.3

^!9:: ;same key you use for stop recording
WinMaximize, OBS 29.1.3 ; Winshow, OBS 29.1.3


New Member
: this is my code
setkeydelay, 1, 55
Send, !9
Winhide,OBS 29.1.3
SoundPlay, C:\Windows\Media\Speech On.wav

Space & tab::
setkeydelay, 1, 55
Send !0
WinShow,OBS 29.1.3
SoundPlay, C:\Windows\Media\Speech Off.wav


New Member
It's easy now guys, go to settings>general>System Tray
Enable "Minimize to system tray when started"