Question / Help Studio Won't Record 4k


New Member
I recently had to wipe my computer, and thus had to reinstall my programs. I had the legacy OBS before, but I decided it was time to upgrade to Studio. I installed it and started to adjust it to my settings. I have a 4k monitor, so naturally one of the profiles that I set up is one to record 4k #teamcrispy XD. Anyway, after putting all of my settings pretty much back to how I had them in the original OBS, I would test it out to make sure. After I hit stop recording, it just proceeds to say "stopping recording". I even let it sit for a good hour and a half after literally a one second recording and it did nothing. I adjusted some settings, and I got it to actually record, but it looks like garbage. I then proceeded to download the original OBS and make a 4k profile on that to see if it still worked as before, which it does. So I guess my question is, is Studio not optimized for 4k? And if so, when will it?

I don't think the problem is my PC due to the fact that I can do it with the old OBS. But if you think maybe my PC does have something to do with it, I am running an i7-6700k mildly oc to 4.4GHz and an EVGA 980ti sc+ at stock speeds with 16GB of ram among other things.

I don't see the use of this, but here are the log files for Studio just so I don't get yelled at later down the line.


  • 2016-07-24 09-24-10.txt
    11.2 KB · Views: 20


The issue with trying to make things idiot-proof is that mid-tier-knowledgeable people either have to take the simple settings, or jump even deeper in to get what they need if the simple settings don't cover them.

Why do I say this?

rtmp-common.c: [initialize_output] Could not find service ''"
[x264 encoder: 'simple_h264_stream'] encode failed
Error encoding with encoder 'simple_h264_stream'
Called profile end with mismatching name: start("do_encode"[707996A0]) <-> end("receive_video"[707996AC])

(Those errors are from your log).

So what does this mean?
1. You can add a commandline option in the "Custom muxer Settings" area (something like profile=high) or ...
2. Enable the advanced settings and manually set the profile to high.

Why? To record UHD+ resolutions you MUST have the profile set to high. If you don't the encoder (as you found out) will simply not encode a non-compliant/spec file.


New Member
The issue with trying to make things idiot-proof is that mid-tier-knowledgeable people either have to take the simple settings, or jump even deeper in to get what they need if the simple settings don't cover them.

Why do I say this?

rtmp-common.c: [initialize_output] Could not find service ''"
[x264 encoder: 'simple_h264_stream'] encode failed
Error encoding with encoder 'simple_h264_stream'
Called profile end with mismatching name: start("do_encode"[707996A0]) <-> end("receive_video"[707996AC])

(Those errors are from your log).

So what does this mean?
1. You can add a commandline option in the "Custom muxer Settings" area (something like profile=high) or ...
2. Enable the advanced settings and manually set the profile to high.

Why? To record UHD+ resolutions you MUST have the profile set to high. If you don't the encoder (as you found out) will simply not encode a non-compliant/spec file.
In the advanced settings I had the process priority set to high already, but just to make sure I went to the custom muxer settings and adjusted it. Neither of which work


I didn't say "process priority", I said set the profile to high... why would you mess with something I didn't say, and not do what I said?

Anyway, I just did a 4k test, worked without issue, by doing what I said... #2 in particular:


New Member
Well as I said in my last post, I did set my profile to high, which didn't work. However, I did decide to copy your settings exactly and for some reason I will not understand, it worked. So I guess thank you for that. I will say however that you might work on coming off as a little more polite in your responses because in my opinion you came off as a serious douche. I realize that might not be your intentions, but it certainly seems that way. I mean that in the kindest way possible. Regardless, thanks again for the fix, I appreciate it, and have a great day.

Suslik V

Active Member
...To record UHD+ resolutions you MUST have the profile set to high. If you don't the encoder (as you found out) will simply not encode a non-compliant/spec file.
He's not.

Look at my log: ,
(yeah, my pc is too slow for 4k:)
I even created a new profile and scene collection to clear the Profile setting for x264. And I tried both (enforce and not) streaming encoding bitrate limit settings (there was changes in code not long time ago). So, profile setting is not required. But I recommend it if you know what are you doing.


Called profile end with mismatching name: start("do_encode"[707996A0]) <-> end("receive_video"[707996AC])

error is more complicated.
For youtube and twitch we have recommended value - "profile": "main" in .json file, and maybe we have a bug in other part of the software - when profile not forced in simple mode recording, while Recording Quality: Same as stream is take place.