Studio Mode Upgrades

Travis Reames

New Member
So I think this is a suggestion, if its possible now idk how ^_^ But big picture I'm looking to use the default OBS transition like `Fade` without having having to have `Studio Mode` enabled... I used to use Studio Mode 24/7 but now with all the panels, especially the stream elements mod it feels mighty cluttered... Even more so with Studio Mode enabled and 2 view fields.

So now I typically stream without studio mode on so I can actually see my output and use it as a live monitor/playback. BUT one problem, I have set scene and source things to hotkeys and they just go on n off without that transition magic! ^_^

My workaround is all wonky and OBS hates it crashed my stream last night doing it! but here it goes:
  • On my mouse or keyboard I setup a macro a key like `F24` this is useful cuz the longer shortcuts like `Ctrl + Shift + F1` lag a bit longer.
  • Next go to obs > settings > hotkeys > switch to scene and add hotkey `F24`
  • I then go back to my macro and change it to `F23` go back to obs hotkey settings and add `F23` to Studio Mode
  • AGAIN I go back to my macro and change it to `F23 + Delay:500 + F24 + Delay:500 + F23`...
This is my ghetto work around to enable studio mode > change scene > then cleanup by deactivating studio mode... Like I said OBS isn't the biggest fan of having it's Studio Mode flickered like this.... For sure not a suggested work around at least. Also I don't have much experience with transitions beyond the defaults I've never had a custom animated transition like a lot of streamers so for more advanced streamers that have multiple transitions or specific transitions for specific scene changes this might just be the just from default to automated. And that's cool too

Suggestions to fix
  • Transition Mode - Another button like Studio Mode that adds any changes (scene or sources) to a queue (this is incase you click them faster then the transition length. (idiot proofs any delay issues needed for transitions and hoykeys/macros/keybindings
  • Mini/Micro Preview or Program - Maybe some people are more interested in preview than me but I recently snagged Aseprite and it has an interesting preview window thats resizable/zoomable maybe something like that but more like your new panel system.
  • Global Setting - Or simply a checkbox in the settings to make any alteration/change so adding/removing/changing scenes/sources would do the basic transition
