stuck on stopping recording


New Member
i was recording something which i value very much and i dont wanna lose i still have it recording now i left it overnight after pressing stop recording and closing everything so its nothing to do with my ram or cpu its been going for 22 hours now im not sure what to do i have my file type as mkv but nothing is showing up in the folder that i could repair so i havent closed it or shut down my pc since this is my log i know im on an old version im going to update it but i dont know what to do


New Member
forgot to mention pausing isnt working either


Active Member
This is what you can expect your system or laptop to have issues with:

So you will experience that your encoder, system, its graphics and audio had problems already before you tried to stop your recording.
Didn't you had any test recordings before?

By the way, your log says 60fps and your screenshot tells 29,52fps. so there are strong issues with all your settings. Then you paused and unpaused the reording (instead of stopping it) and even tried later to start streaming, additionally. :/
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New Member
This is what you can expect your system or laptop to have issues with:

So you will experience that your encoder, system, its graphics and audio had problems already before you tried to stop your recording.
Didn't you had any test recordings before?

By the way, your log says 60fps and your screenshot tells 29,52fps. so there are strong issues with all your settings. Then you paused and unpaused the reording (instead of stopping it) and even tried later to start streaming, additionally. :/
ive done lots of recordings before and nothing like this has happened. if any of you have discord add me and i can stream it to you but there isnt much to see my discord is fireballer675. also imnot too sure abtthe fps its weird


New Member
This is what you can expect your system or laptop to have issues with:

So you will experience that your encoder, system, its graphics and audio had problems already before you tried to stop your recording.
Didn't you had any test recordings before?

By the way, your log says 60fps and your screenshot tells 29,52fps. so there are strong issues with all your settings. Then you paused and unpaused the reording (instead of stopping it) and even tried later to start streaming, additionally. :/
update: theres nothing there

Suslik V

Active Member
No file? Terminate OBS process and forget about this recording. Nobody will look into old code of OBS.

Few of my thoughts.
Your main concern is:
20:29:51.253: device_vertexbuffer_create (D3D11): Failed to create buffer (887A0005)
20:29:51.253:   Device Removed Reason: 887A0006
this is about graphics drivers and hardware. Sometimes caused by graphics context destroyed at deep sleep (turn off your PC instead of hibernate, this can minimize risks of failures in the future).

Next message:
20:29:51.246: Bad NV12 texture handling detected!  Disabling NV12 texture support.
gives you a clue that graphics driver is not doing well. Details (originally, the message was added for NVIDIA cards):

And, finally, the:
20:34:19.207: [fallback-amf-h264: 'simple_video_recording'] Failed to set property 'QvbrQualityLevel': AMF_INVALID_ARG
is proof that the encoding with AMD encoder wasn't well configured (I have no idea what may caused this misconfiguration but it is no good).