Question / Help streaming with mac pro 3.1


New Member
hi i can stream succesfully with 3 webcams to youtube with my mac mini i7.
question: can i use a mac pro 2008 3.1 with 12 gb ram m2 ssd and 1gb radeon 5770 for streaming?
i read somewhere that old macs would not work for streaming at all .can anybody confirm? it would save me a lot of time. thx!


Active Member
Hard to tell without any information about what you want to stream and how aside from "3 webcams". There are versions of OBS that will run on that hardware. Your GPU will probably be the limitation, so you probably won't get high resolution / high framerates as possibilities.


New Member
Ok: I stream LIVE MUSIC with 3 HD webcams in full HD resolution hooked up via USB with my I7 Mac Mini without any problems to YOutube facebook and twitch. apparently the same thing will not be possible with a Quadcore Mac Pro 3.1 (It has a Radeon 5770 Graphics card with 1GB Ram) If any more specific info is needed let me know what and I'll be glad to supply


Active Member
By "full HD" do you mean 720p or 1080p? 30fps or 60fps?

The 5770 is fairly old and not that powerful. You might be able to manage 720p60 or 1080p30.