Streaming in SBS (Side-by-side) VR on a LAN whilst overlaying data


New Member

I'm new to OBS and I'm wondering if there's a way to stream a video in SBS format to a mobile device via a LAN, ideally with a text overlay taken from an external source such as an MQTT feed or a URL?

I've noticed a lot of plugins seem to call out to various web services for timers etc, but I can't find any tutorials on how to create these overlays/plugins on the wiki, so pointers would be welcome.

As far as the VR is concerned, I'm basically taking a video feed from both existing MP4 files on disk *and* a couple of webcams attached to the laptop running OBS, and then want to do picture-in-picture for the webcams over the top of the video files, then stream that in side-by-side format to a google cardboard device.

Is this asking too much?


New Member
Were you able to find anything on this issue? I'm trying to find examples of this being done. Any links or info on this would be much appreciated.