Question / Help Streaming from 1440p source

Talon Adams

New Member
Hi guys,

Quick question, I own a 1440p monitor and wish to downscale to 1080p@30. Is there any settings ideal to help with this so that the transition retains as much quality as possible? I don't hear much about people playing from a 1440p monitor and what's an ideal setup in this scenario. Thanks guys

i7 4770K @ 3.5Ghz
16GB RAM @ 1600
GTX 980
50Mb down, 10Mb up Connection.

P.S: Can I stream 720p@60? I ask because I've tried, but the downscale seems to be too intense and warps things like text to an unreadable level ( too blocky/weird )


New Member
You have a quite strong processor with 8 threads; try lowering the encoding preset one step from "very fast" to "faster", that should make the text clearer.

Alternately you can also try bumbing up the bitrate a bit, aswell as configuring game / filters / graphics settings / gamma.


Use Bilinear filter when Downscaling from 1440p to 720p, Lanczos causes visual corruption to text as you have already experienced. Unfortunately there's not much more you can do when it's a 2x downscale. I personally use the Film tuning preset as well, I find it helps with overlays and aliasing.

Film tuning modifies the deblocking filter and psy tuning in x264