Bug Report Streaming causes me to lose internet, but I can still stream without dropping frames


New Member
So I've been using OBS 24.0.2 and I have always been getting this whenever I stream. Pretty much, whenever I stream, after around 2-3 hours into a stream, my internet will just stop connecting to my Mac. But I can still stream onto YouTube with OBS telling me that I haven't lost frames.

When I lose the internet access, I can't load a new tab on Chrome and check my streamlabs alert box or I can't even check my chat without loading it on my phone. Especially when I play multiplayer games, I get disconnected and can't connect back into the game, but still, I am managing to stream onto YouTube. I've tried as far as resetting my entire Mac and reinstalling the same version and it is still happening to me.

I'm currently using macOS Mojave version 10.14.6