Bug Report Streaming and Recording in MP4 at the same time doesn't work


New Member
I'm facing this issue since the beginning and I was actually once only downloading it to hope that this works with my Elgato (since xSplit has problems with my Elgato somehow, causing it to stutter etc.)

So no matter if I try using a CaptureCard or stream my desktop or whatever, I'm unable to stream and record at the same time. Before update 0.13.1, OBS Multiplatform simply just crashed when activating both options. Nowadays, just nothing happens when I either first record and then start the streaming or the other way round. The 2nd button never stays active eventhough it appears me clicking it. A few moments ago I even had an internal error popping up due to this, but it didn't make the software crash. I'm unable to reproduce that error message popping up.
I tried streaming and recording at the same time with flv instead of mp4. It caused the software to crash again (had to actually kill it with the task manager afterwards, to make a clean remove).

I'm having the following options in the settings -> Output:

Output Mode: Simple
Video Bitrate: 3500
Audio Bitrate: 192
Enable Advanced Encoder Settings: Enabled
Encoder Preset (higher = less CPU): superfast
Custom Encoder Settings: empty
Recording Path: the path to my user's "my videos" folder
Generate File Name without Space: false
Recording Quality: Indistinguishable Quality, Large File Size
Recording Format: mp4
Encoder: Software (x264)
Custom Muxer Settings: empty

I'm using different settings since the local file quality is first off way better than the stream file quality (how unexpected...). Additionally twitch mutes most of my stream due to me playing Guitar Hero Live or simply running music in the background every once in a while.

Here are the settings for my video:

Base (Canvas) Resolution: 1920x1080
Output (Scaled) Resolution: 1920x1080
Downscale Filter: Lanczos (Sharpened scaling, 32 samples)
Common FPS Values: 59.94

Of course I want the best of the best quality, that's why I selected those options. Yes streaming in 60fps and 1080p works all fine with 3500kbit/s. I almost never have any framedrops, if so only about 0.1% sometimes.
My CPU usage raises no more than 35% when recording so that's all fine.
The real only issue is, I can't stream and record at the same time which I'd love to being able to do. I don't like flv because I have to convert it into mp4 in order to being able to edit the file and that sometimes takes up to hours because also my video files are sometimes hours long.


Active Member
that sometimes takes up to hours because also my video files are sometimes hours long.
So I guess you never tried the "Remux Recordings" function from the file menu. That option takes a LOT less time to convert an FLV to an MP4.


New Member
So I guess you never tried the "Remux Recordings" function from the file menu. That option takes a LOT less time to convert an FLV to an MP4.
Are you talking about the "Custom Muxer Settings" option? Never used it since I have no clue how to use it. Not as much into video editting as others there. So how is that supposed to work then?
Also I now was able to run streaming and recording at the same time but the flv File didn't even pop up in the desired folder. Also recording now takes an additional 0% more CPU usage so I think there's something wrong...