Yesterday tested out my stream and it seemed fine but today it won't work at all.
Tried bitrates from as low as 150 up to 2500.
Twitch bandwith tool gives <75 ping and 5000+ bandwidth
Tried resolutions from 640x360 to 1080p
Tried every cpu preset
Tried x264 and nvenc
Tried limiting the FPS ingame to 30 (Overwatch)
Tried a very graphically simple game also
Reset my router, cleared my gfx drivers and reinstalled, restarted my computer, cleaned inside of my computer
Tried watching from different browsers, my phone, my friend tried watching and it buffers for 90% of the time. Also the vods show up fine as if there was no problem recording it at all.
Now that I got that out of the way I'd like some new ideas.
Here are my specs: i5 3570k (OC'd to 4ghz), 16gb ram, 960 gtx, windows 10, 70down/6up wired connection
Tried bitrates from as low as 150 up to 2500.
Twitch bandwith tool gives <75 ping and 5000+ bandwidth
Tried resolutions from 640x360 to 1080p
Tried every cpu preset
Tried x264 and nvenc
Tried limiting the FPS ingame to 30 (Overwatch)
Tried a very graphically simple game also
Reset my router, cleared my gfx drivers and reinstalled, restarted my computer, cleaned inside of my computer
Tried watching from different browsers, my phone, my friend tried watching and it buffers for 90% of the time. Also the vods show up fine as if there was no problem recording it at all.
Now that I got that out of the way I'd like some new ideas.
Here are my specs: i5 3570k (OC'd to 4ghz), 16gb ram, 960 gtx, windows 10, 70down/6up wired connection
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