Bug Report Stream & Recording Laggy (low fps/studdering) when recording AND streaming (but not when doing one)


New Member
When recording and also streaming at the same time, both the stream and recording lag pretty badly. If there was a way to do local recording that doesn't use much CPU like in legacy obs? My CPU usage stays pretty low (60%, it's a dedicated streaming pc with an i7-2600k @ 4.4GHz) but it still studders badly. The only other thing this could be that I can think of is my hdd write speeds. Which are:

Seq: 52MB/s read 51MB/s write
512K: 22MB/s read 30MB/s write
4k: 0.3MB/s read 0.8MB/s write
4k QD32: 0.8MB/s read 0.86MB/s write

If theres anything else you think it could be or anything you want me to test, let me know.


New Member
As in making the recording bitrate different from the streaming one? Yes, they were. I wanted to make the recording higher quality, is there a way to do that or no?


New Member
Well, using different bitrates may cause some bugs, due to the fact that its streaming, recording the same thing but in different quality. I myself am a little new at the Windows Multiplatform, but yes that would most likely be causing the issue so go ahead and try using the same bitrates.


New Member
If a dedicated 4 core 2600k @ 4.4GHz can't handle 3500 bit rate... then I really don't know what to say... but I'll try it.


New Member
Followed you ;) also are you using CBR if not I would stream using CBR its actually preferred. Were you using CBR+CFR? Definitely post a log from when it wasn't working right.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
If possible post us a log file so we can get more information about your stream/recording setup.