Question / Help Stream Pixelated


New Member
Hello guys,

my english knowledge is not the best, so don't blame me for my bad spelling :B
Before i started this post, i did like 3h of research without finding a soulution for my problem.
First off, i just want to tell you my computer specs:

CPU: i5 4690k
Graphicscard: Nvidia 1050 ti OC
Upload: 13mbps

I want to stream differend kind of games on twitch ( fps, moba, ect ) and i have to swop between 30/48/60 fps because nobody wants to watch games like CS:GO on 30fps because its a fast game and this framerate would feel .. uh.. slow.

The biggest problem is twitchs serversidet limitation to non partners. Afaik theres a 3,5mpbs limit for non Twitch Partners and thereforce its simply not possible to stream on 1080p/60fps so i decidet to scale my output to 720p.

While testing I just tryed all the settings possible without getting a good result. The strange thing is, that my computer hardware and my connection wont get to the limit. I used every processor preset once and my CPU never went above 50% usage. Also my connection is stable and could go up to 13mbps while I limited the buffer/buffersize to 3,5 mbps. My graphics card running smooth with like 300 ingame fps while streaming, so where is the acual problem?

Current OBS Settings (64 bit)

NVENC H.246 Codec (seems to look better as x264)

-> Scale 1280x720px
-> Using CBR
-> Bitrate: 5000 ( idk why but its working on twitch atm )
-> Keyframe interval: 2 ( also tryed 0 )
-> preset: high quality
-> Scale Filter: Lanczos

x264 settings:

-> Scale 1280x720px
-> Using CBR
-> Bitrate 3500
-> Buffer 3500
-> Keyframe interval 2 ( also tryed 0 )
-> CPU Preset ( tryed slow - ultrafast )
-> Scale Filter: Lanczos

Yea, thats pretty much all i can say . As i said before, i tryed nearly every option possible and the stream is still pixelated (mainly while moving ingame).
Is it maybe just about the bitrate? Do i need more, even for 720px streams? Do you guys have any tipps?

Also just for my own understanding, the label on OBS processor preset tells me: Higher = lower CPU usage, so
ultrafast would be the worst framecompression on CPU end and slow the best or vice versa?

Thanks in advance

Edit: heres my log file trying differend settings: ( to much text for forum post )
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