Question / Help Stream is laggy / streaking.


New Member
Hi, first off just wanted to say that this program is amazing, but that being said I have almost no experience with troubleshooting this program and even less going through the errors and problems I have. I am currently at work but will try to answer any other questions you guys have for me as much as possible. Here is my most recent log file from this morning.

AMD 1060T 8-Core 4.0GHz Processor
16GB of RAM
2x Nvidia GeForce GTX 660

I use OBS 0.8.3 (64-bit) mainly because the 32-bit version causes an, "Unable to allocate xxxxxxxx Memory" error after 2 mins of being open. When I switched to 64-bit it got rid of the error.

Also using 0.8.3 because it is the only version that I can currently get to get video from my Hauppauge HD PVR 2 Gaming Edition (I know it's not fully supported yet).

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Attached log file since it exceeded the 10000 character limit.


  • 2015-03-09 09-45-50.txt
    14 KB · Views: 45
You posted in the wrong section of the forum ^^'

Could a moderator/admin move this topic to "OBS Multiplatfom Support > Windows Support" ?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
That log appears to be fine, but it's the 64bit version's log. Hm, definitely feels unusual though. It somewhat makes sense because the 32bit version is limited to approximately 4 gigs of memory, and 64bit allows you to use much more, but it takes a lot to use that much memory. Feels really unusual if so.

I suppose if the 64bit version is working then that's a fine workaround for the time being, though I wonder if you could test to see if it only happens when the video device is active or not for me?


New Member
Hi Jim, I have tested that already, it only seems to be when the Hauppauge is being used my memory jumps all the way to all 16GB (I had it maxed yesterday at 99% memory usage according to task manager) but for things like window capture it usually stays right around 88 - 90MB but it does seem to slowly keep increasing (By about 0.1 MB every 1 - 3 minutes, so eventually I think it would reach my 16GB limit, but only if I have it active for probably a few days or so).

On the 32-bit version with the Hauppauge it seems to jump up more exponentially and only when I have more things showing on the monitor / capture that I'm using.

On the 64-bit version it seems to take more CPU usage and keeps my memory lower for longer, but even then; when trying to capture hauppauge it will eventually get to the point where I am at max usage.

I've had both 32 and 64 bit running currently for about 10 minutes (With just monitor capture) and the 32 bit jumped up from 80MB to 92.2MB when i just added a folder view to the Monitor Capture, 64-bit jumped from 66.4 MB to 66.5 MB usage but the CPU jumped from 1.2% to 5.3%, where as the 32-bit stayed lower at 1.2/1.3%.

But unfortunately me fixing the 32-bit doesn't fix my streaming quality, I've lowered my setting to all the lowest but still on the stream itself is about ~5 seconds behind (doesn't bother me) but it seems that no matter what the stream starts glitching out and streaking and is almost un-watchable.

If you need any more log files or anything let me know; Thanks again. :)

(I know my upload isn't best and Speedtest isn't the most reliable but most testing sites average me from around 7-10Mb/s; Also the pics under are the 2 different versions of OBS after running Hauppauge capture for 10 mins with nothing else on the scene)

32-bit task manager.png
64-bit task manager.png