Question / Help stream has to be refreshed for viewers


New Member
Dear readers,

my name is Zac and after searching the forums and other sites for similar problems I am at a loss as to my current problem so I figured I'd try my hand at posting a thread. I have been streaming to twitch VIA OBS and my macbook pro for quite some time now with varying degrees of success. The problem I have is certainly not consistent but it is quite persistent. I will do my best to describe it right now and then follow up with a posting from my log file with an example of the recurring problem. What seems to be happening is that my stream will begin just fine but after a certain amount of time (sometimes longer sometimes shorter) my stream will "cut out" for my viewers and they will have to refresh the stream ( I know this because of all the "RIP streams" I see in my chat). This problem usually persists on and off for an hour or so, but seems to level off at a point and completely disappear for extended periods of time. I have had streams where this does not occur at all, and I have tried multiple suggestions such as refreshing my stream key, which seemed to work at first and I now do regularly, but the problem seems to have returned as of the past few days. I also have very modest settings in terms of bit rate and buffering size which my internet should be more than capable of handling (~10Mbps upload and up to 200Mbps down). I am hoping that the log file I am about to post will be the most useful in diagnosing an error. I also currently go through the Seattle twitch server which a server test indicated I have the greatest reception to. At any rate here is the log file via pastebin

<script src="//"></script>

Thank you for your time I look forward to your feedback :)


New Member
@zacsteps this is also happening to me too and I need help I've done all steps U did to try and fix it I even reinstalled the app but still no fix if U find a fix can u let me know. And I'll do the same