Bug Report Stream Freezes but webcam still works


New Member
I have spent the better part of the last day trying to figure this one out!
I am using the Razer Ripsaw and trying to stream my Wii U - I successfully stream for an extended period using the Retron5 (SNES game) default settings, no problem via HDMI. Now when I try the Wii U, it just locks up between about 30second and a 1 minute.

Here is my log file, let me know if you need more info to help out!



New Member
So odd enough, it will only freeze when running Xbox 360/PS3/Wii U - The device itself will lock up. I Tried a different USB port- but it will capture and run just fine for long durations if I am using the retron5 which runs at 720p.

It almost seems as if the device has a cache and it gets filled/stalls out.

Any help would be appreciated!


New Member
Having the same issues using PS4, after about an hour it will start freezing, however I found that deactivating/re-activating the source in OBS fixes it for a bit. Today, however, I was going about these steps and it was repeatedly locking up after a matter of seconds.

Here's my log data from lock-up time until I stopped streaming

This is on OBS Studio 0.14.2 using Razer Ripsaw via Video Device Capture, Win10 x64, i5 6600k, 16GB ram, SSD etc.