Bug Report Stream Dropped Suddenly; Hung on "Stopping Stream"

We were doing a live stream (and simultaneously recording) of my pastor's sermon this morning. For a number of weeks, once a week, the settings are as follows:

Stream: 1080p, 30 fps, QuickSync, CBR 3000 (though last week and previous it was VBR 3000-6000), keyframe 2, B frames 3
Recording: Recording format mkv, ICQ quality 20, keyframe 3, B frames 3

We stream to Mobcrush, which pushes the stream to YouTube, Facebook, and Sermon Audio.

More than an hour into the stream, kb suddenly dropped to 0, and YouTube and Facebook detected the stream as ended (no restarting the stream at this point). Sermon Audio showed we were offline. Recording continued fine. Internet still working fine. Tried to stop the stream, but it hung on "Stopping Stream." Didn't want to stop the recording, so had to give up on the stream, as we would have had to force close OBS to forcefully end the stream. When sermon was done, stopped the recording (was fine doing this), closed OBS, and rebooted. Did a test stream (along with recording simultaneously), and everything was working fine again. Stream stopped when told it to.

Logfile: https://obsproject.com/logs/9Tb8W8LukKoIQopi
Also, a logfile of the test afterwards when it worked fine: https://obsproject.com/logs/TiNRsT2G1JpiTJza
Nothing in the crash report except for an old Feb 23 one: https://obsproject.com/logs/mbTj8GjRVBM8Vhco
We had a similar problem again. No issues since my last post until today. This is what the sound guy said happened:

Windows showed a notification on the side that said something like "OBS is disconnected" and I looked in the corner and it had a countdown for retrying. It retried, and it didn't work, and then it did another countdown. It was stuck on saying 'retrying 2nd time' for a while. Then I pushed 'stop stream' and it froze up (not faded out, just saying 'not responding and the video was frozen). It got faded out after I just clicked on the OBS window later.

Logfile: https://obsproject.com/logs/PfeYu1r2inEFeshH
Crash report: https://obsproject.com/logs/g52-MhmOJ1NS3VN1

I noticed in the logfile it says RTMPSockBuf_Fill, remote host closed connection near the end.
We had to switch to SLOBS for now, and haven't had a problem with it. But I hate it because there is no pause feature for recording, no remux to mp4, and no left-right balance so I can separate mics on my 2 channel USB audio interface.