Question / Help Stream delay gets longer and longer


New Member
Hello! I didnt find this anywhere on the forum.

So my issue is this with OBS Studio: The delay of the stream gets longer the longer I stream. So for example after 5 minutes the delay is normal at around 10s but after about 1h of streaming the delay is about 5 minutes. I do not have this issue with OBS Classic. OBS Classic works flawlessly. I also dont have any framedrops or anything with either versions.

Am I doing something wrong with OBS Studio or is it just the software that doesnt work? I wanna use OBS Studio but I cant use it because of the stream delay getting longer. If this can be fixed with some settings that would be great. If its a software issue then I will just have to wait.

Thanks for any help regarding this and if its been asked beforte I am sorry. I just couldnt find it in the forums.

Best regards.
1. you are streaming over wireless, you are 99% guaranteed to loose data packets. use LAN cable to connect to your modem
2. your cpu is too slow for recording.
7:15:38 AM.576: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 34 (9.2%)
7:15:38 AM.576: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 177 (47.6%)

for streaming probably also. imho your only option for recording is to use QuickSync in your cpu. you need to enable it in bios, because now its not visible to OBS, use latest stable driver
or Nvenc on nvidia card. I had better results with QSV than Nvenc for recording
3. now you are trying to stream with x264 VBR encoding method used mostly for recording, you need CBR rate control for twitch - most probably this is reason for your main issue. you need separate settings for steram and recording
4. I420 data format for camera likes to cause problems like audio noises. change it to MJPEG if you can
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New Member
Ok so now after some tinkering and upgrading I still have the same issue (you can disregard the wireless. I would have wired if I could) and the log seems shorter now. Still OBS Classic works 100% perfect with this so I am still confused as to why OBS Studio has issues for me. Thank you for any help in advance and here is the new log: