Bug Report Stream buggz if output 1920x1080 with ffmpeg


New Member
I have obs 23.2.1-2 x64 on manjaro. When i use video output 1920x1080 with ffmpeg stream lagg and freeze. WHen i change output to 1280x720 then its work. Its strange, cuz if i stream with x264 with 1920x1080 output ther were no laggs and freeze, but its much more cpu usage. Why its happends with ffmpeg. I use latest mesa driver from manjaro rep. Also capture preview didnt work, i saw black screen when i use xcomposite. And besides, when i alt+tab from game to obs i saw that bitrate (left bottom corner) suddenly increase from 5000(in obs settings i use 5000 bitrate) to 7000-8000 and after down to 200-300 but connection status is good and show green color. When i stream from windows all works good even with bitrate higher then 8000 with output 1920x1080 with amd hardware encoder. How i can resolve problem on linux?