
New Member
This seems to be something I can't seem to get rid of when I play certain games. When I stream I will get a notification that encoding overload and after a few mins my stream will start to be 2 mins behind and but my audio isn't. I will be streaming and I will say something but it isn't at the correct time that is being seen on twitch. The last stream log is attached. On top of all this under stats I have frames missed due rendering lag. I have uninstalled and reinstalled and it hasn't fixed it.


  • 2024-05-10 19-41-35.txt
    947.2 KB · Views: 8


Active Member
screen refresh rate uneven multiple of FPS... don't do that
why did you change default downscale filter to Bicubic?
LOTS of CPU impactful effects/filters in place... be careful with CPU utilization
lots of streamelements errors that can't be helping matters
see threads on why to avoid Game and Display (i think it is those 2) in same scene

and then do some research on impact of Psycho visual and lookahead impact on GPU depending on settings


New Member
I used the setup wizard for this one so the setting could be off and better. My OBS only monitor runs at 60hz and my gaming monitor runs at 144hz is this what you are referring to about uneven? If I run 60 frames I should have a refresh rate of 120 not 144hz, correct?
Over all my CPU usage runs pretty good between 0.3 and 5%. I will go through my filters and effects to see if there are any that I don't use any more.
Wow you are right lots of SE errors about scripts not loading. can't find much on how to fix this but I will look more.
I have removed any display captures that were in game capture scenes.

I have disabled Psycho visual and will see if this helps at all.

Thank you!


Active Member
I used the setup wizard for this one so the setting could be off and better. My OBS only monitor runs at 60hz and my gaming monitor runs at 144hz is this what you are referring to about uneven? If I run 60 frames I should have a refresh rate of 120 not 144hz, correct?
Over all my CPU usage runs pretty good between 0.3 and 5%.
I'm guessing you are referring to the CPU usage stats in OBS Stats window? if yes... well, that is one stat I ignore. System CPU usage is critical, but what is critical is OVERALL system CPU usage, not a certain OBS Studio thread (and not even all of OBS Studio and relate plugins, at that)
I will go through my filters and effects to see if there are any that I don't use any more.
Wow you are right lots of SE errors about scripts not loading. can't find much on how to fix this but I will look more.
Good luck, and please do share if you find something. My suspicion is sloppy code... but I'd be happy to be wrong
I have disabled Psycho visual and will see if this helps at all.
Mind you, I have Psycho enabled, but I'm not having issues.. so, it depends on specifics (of which I recall reading some details 3+ years ago, but I don't recall them at the moment)