Bug Report Still Having Issues with text


New Member
I posted about this late last year and was told that it would be fixed in an upcoming patch. Patch came, issue remains. When I try to add Text to a scene and OBS crashes. I've moved the scenes.json file away, but the crashes still happen. Attached is the crash file. Thanks!


  • OBS Crashlog.txt
    83.9 KB · Views: 23


New Member
This still happens with the 0.9.0 update. Latest crash log:


  • OBS Crashlog0325.txt
    91.5 KB · Views: 25


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Hm, interesting. Yea, I thought we had fixed all the potential issues with it, but I'm guessing there's still an issue with certain font files. I'll see if I can take a look at it before next patch if I'm able.

Always right when you try to create the text source I assume?


New Member
I fixed my issue by going into Font Book. Go to File -> Validate Fonts. I removed all duplicates and those that failed. Works like a charm now.


New Member
I tried this, but it's still crashing :( Hangs up for a second, then crashes. I'm running the most recent build as well. I verified all of the fonts in Font Book, and deleted all duplicate fonts, then restarted my computer.

Anyone else have any ideas? I'd really like to stop using Text Edit window captures!