Question / Help SteamOS and OBS2?


Active Member
Has anyone tested/compiled a working version of OBS that will capture the Big Picture Mode (tty7?) in SteamOS? I think this will be my first/next testing grounds with OBS for my fellow SteamOS users. I tried StreamStudio but could never get it to capture anything but the Steam Desktop (tty6?)

Forgive me if this is a re-post but I surprisingly didn't find a topic for this.
I haven't played around with SteamOS yet myself, but I would suspect that if you're switching to tty6 to launch OBS, then it probably doesn't have access to tty7, which is expected behaviour in Linux. I'd probably do a horrible job of explaining as I'm probably quite ignorant on the topic, but it's a security thing.

That of course assumes you're launching OBS in tty6. If you're launching in tty7 somehow, then that would be very strange indeed.


New Member
Actually, you can have access to a different server. All you need to do is find out the DISPLAY environment variable that the SteamOS client is using. You can make a small shell script that echoes $DISPLAY into a file.

echo $DISPLAY > ~/steamos-display-env

Then you can use that variable to launch OBS on the correct screen, thereby allowing it to capture the correct screen.

Launching OBS on the correct screen is something along the lines of

DISPLAY=`cat ~/steamos-display-env` obs-studio

How you'd control OBS while SteamOS is hogging the full screen, however, is another question.