Steaming noob advice required


New Member
Hey folks, sorry if this is in the wrong area, I didn't know where to post it :(

Basically I'm a complete noob to the whole gaming/streaming scene. My PC is what I would like to game on as I've recently parted ways with my consoles except my switch. Anyhow from what I see, gaming and streaming on the 1 PC looks awkward as well as it saps power from the gaming end of things. I do however have what used to be a beast laptop like 6+ years ago. G700G7C, Its a decent spec however the GPU is quite old by today's standards, its a GTX 675m I think? Now currently this laptop is in about 100 pieces as it was over heating a little so I dismantled it ago ago to replace all the hardened thermal paste as well as clear out the fans and dust filters (which were full so 99% sure thats what was causing the overheating) etc but anyhow it's never made it back together as things at home happened around the same time and I just never took the time to do so. Would this laptop be strong enough to do the streaming side of things to the likes of Facebook or YouTube etc? bare in mind I have never streamed before so its just something I was thinking on doing for some fun while I was playing a few games on my main PC.


Active Member
Would this laptop be strong enough to do the streaming side of things to the likes of Facebook or YouTube etc?
Please try to get to the point. I quoted the relevant part of your post.
Nobody knows if your machine is able to do what you want, because there are literally millions of different PCs out there, and streaming doesn't depend on pure PC power alone.

So just create an account where you intend to stream to. Then just install OBS. Run the auto configuration wizard that pops up after installation. Connect OBS to your account. Try to stream and see what will happen. In OBS, run Tools->Auto Configuration Wizard again, if you want to try again with different settings. If you're having issues, come back to this forum and post a log file from your experiments.

This is the OBS quickstart guide:


New Member
Please try to get to the point. I quoted the relevant part of your post.
Nobody knows if your machine is able to do what you want, because there are literally millions of different PCs out there, and streaming doesn't depend on pure PC power alone.

The point you made "Please try to get to the point." If you would read my post you would see what computer I was talking about which I quote "G700G7C" so please take the time to read the post before trying to be sarcastic and rip on new members.

You will also of seen that the said laptop is in 100 pieces so "creating an account" isn't going to do anything if its still in pieces, as you may not be aware it takes time to rebuild something back together such as a laptop, I was merely asking if the like of this laptop/gpu would run the steaming software which is OSB Studio.

Please ONLY reply if you have relevant help and are willing to read the FULL message and not be a sarcastic clown aka @koala

In short for others who are trying to help me, I'm grateful and thank you for taking the time to read my post fully. My main question is...

Is a GTX 675M strong enough to stream to the likes of youtube/facebook etc. I know the rest of the laptop is.

Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Is a GTX 675M strong enough to stream to the likes of youtube/facebook etc. I know the rest of the laptop is.

Yes, that GPU might work for you. Or it might not

Koala answer was on point, and any exasperation you detected is due to you not doing some basic research in advance of posting, and now you are doubling down on an invalid question.. /facepalm ..

The problem is you aren't posting even the most basic of info relevant to the request. Like which CPU, how much RAM, what storage device (HDD vs SSD, speed, etc). Yes these can be more important than GPU, depending on the circumstance

For example, I had a Inspiron 15 7559 (5yr old gaming laptop, with higher end GPU than what you listed, and a SATA SSD) and it wasn't even close to being enough for my simple streaming that I was doing...... BUT... it all depends. In my case, it was the CPU that was completely overwhelmed and that was due to sources, and lots of details about EXACTLY what and how I was streaming (no gaming involved at all). A much lower end laptop could also stream fine.
IT DEPENDS and it depends on details you haven't provided. Your question, as asked, isn't answerable in a meaningful way

So apologize to Koala for responding childishly. Get over thinking streaming capability is determined by GPU. And provide relevant details, and you'll be far more likely to get help.


New Member
Yes, that GPU might work for you. Or it might not

Koala answer was on point, and any exasperation you detected is due to you not doing some basic research in advance of posting, and now you are doubling down on an invalid question.. /facepalm ..
Yes "/facepalm" indeed on your behalf for not reading the statement on which you quoted yourself. As previously stated I know the rest of the system is up to par and will be able to run due to checking minimum requirements of OBS Studio, so your statement of " any exasperation you detected is due to you not doing some basic research in advance of posting " is null and void".

The reason I asked my question is that I did not know whether it fell into the requirements or not hence asking here where I thought there would be a person/s who may have been in a similar situation to myself had any experience on said graphics card.

"IT DEPENDS and it depends on details you haven't provided. " See this is also where you did not read my first nor my second post where I continue to state that the computer in question was a G700G7C to which the specifications are within requirements that I have since found all apart from the graphics card. You saying that you had a Inspiron 15 7559 is as pointless as me stating G700G7C in this case.

Anyhow... I will apologize when I find there is something to apologize for. If I was to go by your rules then you would owe me an apologize for not reading my questions before replying with a void and pointless answer and wasting my time. I refer to my previous statement of " Please ONLY reply if you have relevant help and are willing to read the FULL message and not be a sarcastic clown" This wasn't meant to be a rude point just purely a simply question if someone has information on a gpu either like/similar to a 675M.

Again to anyone who can genuinely help I appreciate your possible help.

Thank you.