Steam Capture with CQP


New Member
I have this strange problem with streaming steam to PeerTube. I've checked PeerTube CPU is at 20% drives are nvme no bottlenecks there, target peertube is 10gbit local network, no bottlenick there.

Local machine CPU Is fine all is nvme and gpu is like 40%

However when sending the stream to PeerTube it drops frames with steam, I say with steam because the same settings with minecraft works just fine. How strange as this may sound tested this with Counterstike source and hogwards legacy on windows machine same problem. From the moment I join a team on counterstrike source frames start dropping, sometimes when I join a server.

In hogwards legacy the walls don't even load the game starts acting really strange and glitchy when obs runs.


When I run or stream at least everything runs fine with steam? This issue only arises with CQP for some reason... and it used to work before currently using version 29.0.2 of OBS


This does not happen btw when recording, .. streaming to twitch so I would assume the issue lies with peertube, but then why does it work with minecraft..?

Is it the combination of rtmp and steam? It's really strange can't put my finger on the why. Doesn't make sense anyone experiencing the same issue?