Bug Report Start Stream Start Recording Buttons Don't Work

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New Member
Start Stream and Start Recording Buttons Don't Work. I click them and nothing happens. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling OBS but to no avail.

17:05:34.087: OBS 0.11.2 (mac)
17:05:34.087: ---------------------------------
17:05:34.333: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3230M CPU @ 2.60GHz
17:05:34.333: CPU Speed: 2600MHz
17:05:34.333: Physical Cores: 2, Logical Cores: 4
17:05:34.334: Physical Memory: 8192MB Total
17:05:34.334: OS Name: Mac OS X (NSMACHOperatingSystem)
17:05:34.334: OS Version: Version 10.10.5 (Build 14F27)
17:05:34.334: Kernel Version: 14.5.0
17:05:34.338: hotkeys-cocoa: Using layout 'com.apple.keylayout.US'
17:05:34.338: ---------------------------------
17:05:34.338: audio settings reset:
17:05:34.338: samples per sec: 22050
17:05:34.338: speakers: 2
17:05:34.338: buffering (ms): 1000
17:05:34.435: ---------------------------------
17:05:34.435: video settings reset:
17:05:34.435: base resolution: 1440x900
17:05:34.435: output resolution: 1440x900
17:05:34.435: fps: 20/1
17:05:34.435: format: NV12
17:05:34.438: ---------------------------------
17:05:34.438: Loading module: coreaudio-encoder.so
17:05:34.441: ---------------------------------
17:05:34.441: Loading module: image-source.so
17:05:34.444: ---------------------------------
17:05:34.444: Loading module: mac-avcapture.so
17:05:34.446: ---------------------------------
17:05:34.446: Loading module: mac-capture.so
17:05:34.449: ---------------------------------
17:05:34.449: Loading module: mac-decklink.so
17:05:34.449: No blackmagic support
17:05:34.449: Failed to start search for DeckLink devices
17:05:34.454: ---------------------------------
17:05:34.454: Loading module: mac-syphon.so
17:05:34.456: ---------------------------------
17:05:34.456: Loading module: obs-ffmpeg.so
17:05:34.458: ---------------------------------
17:05:34.458: Loading module: obs-filters.so
17:05:34.461: ---------------------------------
17:05:34.461: Loading module: obs-outputs.so
17:05:34.463: ---------------------------------
17:05:34.463: Loading module: obs-x264.so
17:05:34.466: ---------------------------------
17:05:34.466: Loading module: rtmp-services.so
17:05:34.468: ---------------------------------
17:05:34.468: Loading module: text-freetype2.so
17:05:34.980: ---------------------------------
17:05:34.980: Loading module: obs-browser.so
17:05:34.981: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'obs-browser.so'
17:05:34.981: =====================================================================
17:05:34.981: output 'simple_stream' (rtmp_output) created
17:05:34.981: output 'simple_file_output' (ffmpeg_muxer) created
17:05:34.981: encoder 'simple_h264' (obs_x264) created
17:05:35.019: AAC encoder bitrate mapping:
17:05:35.019: 20 kbit/s: 'CoreAudio AAC encoder' (CoreAudio_AAC)
17:05:35.019: 24 kbit/s: 'CoreAudio AAC encoder' (CoreAudio_AAC)
17:05:35.019: 28 kbit/s: 'CoreAudio AAC encoder' (CoreAudio_AAC)
17:05:35.019: 32 kbit/s: 'CoreAudio AAC encoder' (CoreAudio_AAC)
17:05:35.019: 40 kbit/s: 'CoreAudio AAC encoder' (CoreAudio_AAC)
17:05:35.019: 48 kbit/s: 'CoreAudio AAC encoder' (CoreAudio_AAC)
17:05:35.019: 56 kbit/s: 'CoreAudio AAC encoder' (CoreAudio_AAC)
17:05:35.019: 64 kbit/s: 'CoreAudio AAC encoder' (CoreAudio_AAC)
17:05:35.019: 72 kbit/s: 'CoreAudio AAC encoder' (CoreAudio_AAC)
17:05:35.019: 80 kbit/s: 'CoreAudio AAC encoder' (CoreAudio_AAC)
17:05:35.019: 96 kbit/s: 'CoreAudio AAC encoder' (CoreAudio_AAC)
17:05:35.019: 112 kbit/s: 'CoreAudio AAC encoder' (CoreAudio_AAC)
17:05:35.019: 128 kbit/s: 'CoreAudio AAC encoder' (CoreAudio_AAC)
17:05:35.019: 144 kbit/s: 'CoreAudio AAC encoder' (CoreAudio_AAC)
17:05:35.019: 160 kbit/s: 'CoreAudio AAC encoder' (CoreAudio_AAC)
17:05:35.019: 192 kbit/s: 'CoreAudio AAC encoder' (CoreAudio_AAC)
17:05:35.019: 224 kbit/s: 'CoreAudio AAC encoder' (CoreAudio_AAC)
17:05:35.019: 256 kbit/s: 'CoreAudio AAC encoder' (CoreAudio_AAC)
17:05:35.019: 288 kbit/s: 'CoreAudio AAC encoder' (CoreAudio_AAC)
17:05:35.019: 320 kbit/s: 'CoreAudio AAC encoder' (CoreAudio_AAC)
17:05:35.020: encoder 'simple_aac' (CoreAudio_AAC) created
17:05:35.020: service 'default_service' (rtmp_common) created
17:05:35.021: All scene data cleared


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Could you go in to the program, press start recording, and after get me a link to the "current" log from the help menu?


New Member
I have been having the same problem...
the program used to work very well but all of the sudden, one day some of my sources went black for some reason and then i reinstalled but then the start and stream problem arose

p.s. i really apreciate how involved you guys are with your software btw :)


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Start recording, stop recording, and then get me the current log. That's an incomplete log without recording information. (I should probably make it discard logs that don't have recording/streaming info)


New Member
Start recording, stop recording, and then get me the current log. That's an incomplete log without recording information. (I should probably make it discard logs that don't have recording/streaming info)

That's the problem. I'm sorry if I didn't explain clearly but the issue is I CAN'T start recording or stream. I press the button and nothing happens. The log is from me pressing the buttons.

Just in case I tried again and clicked the recording and streaming buttons several times. I also attached photos of settings.

Screen Shot 2015-09-14 at 8.36.36 PM.png Screen Shot 2015-09-14 at 8.36.08 PM.png Screen Shot 2015-09-14 at 8.36.20 PM.png Screen Shot 2015-09-14 at 8.36.00 PM.png Screen Shot 2015-09-14 at 8.36.28 PM.png Screen Shot 2015-09-14 at 8.36.14 PM.png


  • 2015-09-14 20-33-51.txt
    43.4 KB · Views: 99

Gol D. Ace

Looks like the CoreAudio doesn't like 22.05 khz issue to me.

Go to Settings > Audio and set the Sample Rate to 44.1 khz and try again.

20:33:58.108: [CoreAudio AAC: 'simple_aac']: Trying format kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC_HE_V2 (0x61616370)
20:33:58.109: [CoreAudio AAC: 'simple_aac']: Error in AudioConverterNew(in, out, &ca->converter): The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error 1718449215.)
20:33:58.109: [CoreAudio AAC: 'simple_aac']: Trying format kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC_HE (0x61616368)
20:33:58.110: [CoreAudio AAC: 'simple_aac']: Encoder does not support bitrate 160000 for format kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC_HE (0x61616368)
20:33:58.110: [CoreAudio AAC: 'simple_aac']: Trying format kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC (0x61616320)
20:33:58.111: [CoreAudio AAC: 'simple_aac']: Encoder does not support bitrate 160000 for format kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC (0x61616320)
20:33:58.111: [CoreAudio AAC: 'simple_aac']: Could not create encoder for selected formats


Forum Moderator
@Nittaio Read the last two posts, it was a sample rate issue. And in the future please don't necro old threads, this one is from September of last year.
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