Standard linux OBS or snap OBS?


New Member
I'm creating a new system with lubuntu with 22.04 LTS, I want to run OBS with the old 4.9.1 websockets and a streamdeck. I see there is a linux version directly from OBS and also a snap version. What are the pros and cons for each? I generally like using snap versions, but I'm not sure that is a good idea with the plugins I want to use.


Snaps are a secure and scalable way to embed applications on Linux devices. A snap is an application containerised with all its dependencies. A snap can be installed using a single command on any device running Linux. With snaps, software updates are automatic and resilient. Applications run fully isolated in their own sandbox, thus minimising security risks.

Cons of snap, it typically contains older versions of OBS and due to the nature of snap, running in a sandbox means more over head which could translate to less performance.