Sport lower thirds

Dušan S.

New Member
I am searching for solution to easy dislpay sport lowers for example player name, team etc.
Some sports for example football, hockey etc. can be really fast and it is hard to change informations during broadcast. If someone have solution for that, please let me know.


Active Member
Might be best to have another machine that does that, using a different program, and run its physical video signal into a capture card on the OBS machine. Then use the Chroma Key filter in OBS to replace the background with transparency, and put it on top of the cameras. Just use a color for that background that you'll never have in the graphic itself, and set the Chroma Key to that.

For what program to use, anything that updates its display quickly will do. I believe PowerPoint still does, though you might need to be careful to not edit the wrong thing, because that will show too!

If you never have both that and OBS changing at the same time (sports tend to have everything all the time, but if you can manage it...), then you might do it all on the same machine. Have multiple screens, and dedicate one to the live graphic. Then screen/display capture that in OBS. If you only have two screens, then the other one switches between the graphic editor (whatever it is) and OBS.


Active Member
I believe there are a few plugins also, and maybe a live website or two, that are sport-specific. You might try them too, but the above allows you to make it exactly how *you* want it.