Question / Help Spike in encoding lately; log included -- browser sources?


New Member
Hello, everyone.

I went through the stickies and found a piece of information that seems a little relevant to what I think may be the source of the problem I'm encountering.


I've recently upped the production value of my stream and included many more browser sources to operate as media during my streams. (I chose to use browser sources for the media so I could listen to them during segues, but maybe media source is a better option?) I've never had a problem before running 3400 b/r, 60 fps, thanks to partner setting threshold.

And, yes, this is checked for the scenes

As such, I keep getting the 'encoding overloaded!' message on the bottom my OBS window and it is rendering moments of my stream unwatchable.

Do I have to switch my browser source media over to VLC/Media source instead?
Will having an abundance of media -regardless- spike all of this?

Here's a snap shot of my specs and a notation from my log -- full log available in the attachment.. Thanks to anyone who assists in this matter! <3

23:36:53.788: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz
23:36:53.788: CPU Speed: 3999MHz
23:36:53.788: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 8
23:36:53.788: Physical Memory: 16252MB Total, 12424MB Free
23:36:53.788: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 14393 (revision: 693; 64-bit)

23:36:53.805: Available Video Adapters:
23:36:53.806: Adapter 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
23:36:53.806: Dedicated VRAM: 4256104448
23:36:53.806: Shared VRAM: 4226279424
23:36:53.806: output 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true
23:36:53.806: output 2: pos={1920, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true
23:36:53.806: Adapter 2: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
23:36:53.806: Dedicated VRAM: 117964800
23:36:53.806: Shared VRAM: 2147483648
23:36:53.806: output 1: pos={-1280, -200}, size={1280, 1024},

23:36:54.240: ---------------------------------
23:36:54.240: video settings reset:
23:36:54.240: base resolution: 1920x1080
23:36:54.240: output resolution: 1280x720
23:36:54.240: downscale filter: Bicubic
23:36:54.240: fps: 60/1
23:36:54.240: format: NV12
23:36:54.241: ---------------------------------

00:52:30.958: Output 'adv_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 81552 (42.1%)


  • 2017-02-09 23-36-53.txt
    55.8 KB · Views: 14


Forum Moderator
Are you moving OBS to your 1280x1024 monitor? It isn't connected to your GTX 970 and doing so will cause performance issues.


New Member
Are you moving OBS to your 1280x1024 monitor? It isn't connected to your GTX 970 and doing so will cause performance issues.

I keep my OBS on my tertiary,1080 monitor (and just recently, I've turned preview mode off)

left/first, 1024 monitor only houses back-end sources (volume sliders, temp monitor, discord, webcam adjustment)
middle/main 1080 monitor is game
tertiary/right monitor is web browser for google, dashboard, obs


Forum Moderator
What kind of FPS are you getting in Assassin's Creed? Are you using any kind of frame rate limiter or vsync? The log file shows your GPU more or less eating it.


New Member
What kind of FPS are you getting in Assassin's Creed? Are you using any kind of frame rate limiter or vsync? The log file shows your GPU more or less eating it.

FPS is fine in AC. I'm actually live right now and I have small-ass Diablo 2 loaded and I'm getting the message while this happens, too. I'll post the log after the stream ends. I also moved all of my browser video sources to VLC video source instead.

Still encoding overload.


New Member
Please try the following settings in OBS Studio:

The veryfast preset is right in the sweet spot of performance and quality. Superfast and ultrafast will give you better performance, but the quality is very noticeably worse.

Slower presets like faster and fast will tax your system more, but the quality increases it gives you are diminishing. I do not think that quality increases above veryfast are "massive"...veryfast => faster is noticeable, but not hugely, and faster => fast is very hard to notice from my experience.

Just trying to see if moving the Encoder Preset around will help you out.


Forum Moderator
@aregowe If you look at the log file there are minimal issues with CPU usage, and diminishing returns really start kicking in around fast/medium. However he's losing roughly half of his rendered frames which is usually going to be related to GPU load. A 4790K is more than capable of handling 720p30 on the medium preset in most situations.

@okaydrian Could you specify some actual values for the FPS you get in games? "It's fine" doesn't really tell us anything. :) If you suspect the (rather large number of) additional sources as part of the problem you can test by either duplicating your scene collection and removing them, or simply make a new scene collection with just a game capture source to see if the problem continues there.


New Member
Hey, first off, I want to say thank you for coming back and trying to help me solve this problem.

Secondly, I figured it out! I was live troubleshooting with my chat since even Diablo 2 started to chug and I realized something stupid I was doing: I was recording my stream while live. While that shouldn't be a problem, I was recording to my USB portable hard drive on high encode settings instead of an internal SSD or Hybrid.

soooo lol.
08:03:39.264: ┃ ┣download_frame: min=0 ms, median=20.061 ms, max=178.02 ms, 99th percentile=61.349 ms

You need to be at or under 16.7ms of frametimes (when in 60fps) for OBS to run well. Check the signature below my post on how to ease up on the GPU.