Specify Different Scene Collection for Local/Stream


New Member
Hi there

I have recently started recording at the same time as streaming..Most of the time, I am happy to record the full stream..however, as I want to cut a video together, the thought struck me that it would be really handy if I could specify a specific scene collection to each option. This would allow me to stream with my full overlay (alerts/webcam etc) and at the same time, record to a local file without all that bein displayed.

I have no idea how plausible this could be, but it would be a fantastic option for me.

Thanks for the consideration.
You can sorta do this right now by outputting your game source to a seperate monitor and then use old OBS to capture that in high bitrate (WITH hardware encoding). You'll need a spare monitor though..


New Member
Thanks for the info Harold. Fingers crossed.

DoAGoldeneye, thanks. I can do it with multiple softwares, but I thought it would be a nice feature for OBS MP. :)


Community Helper
I don't know that multicording like that is actually planned. If it is, it won't be for a very long time.