New Member
hey so IDK know what channel to go into with this. But I'm using the OBS Source Record plugin with OBS in conjunction with the Source Clone plugin. My OBS setup has a Camera Scene with my main Video Capture Source for my webcam. I made different Source Clones from that camera scene for my recording and streaming scenes. There is a problem that I just got. I have the Source Record filter on my "Recording Webcam", for my recording scenes, ONLY. But when I'm recording my Streaming scenes, with my Streaming webcam with NO SOURCE RECORD filters, it still records the webcam. I don't want my "Streaming Webcam" to be recorded, thus why I don't have a source record filter on it. Also, Remember these are different Source Clone filters going back to the same camera scene. But they are separate clone sources so IDK why they would be conflicting. Any thoughts?
Message #plugins-and-tools
Message #plugins-and-tools