Source Encoding Priority


New Member
This may be an odd request, but if there was a way (or maybe is and I don't know about it) to designate a source to be a higher priority when encoding the stream, that would be very nice.

Source Encoding Priority:
Enable an option to right click a source on a scene and add an encoding priority


While streaming to Twitch and playing a game that is fast moving or has heavy foliage, things become blurry, but more often than not it causes the camera overlay to be blurry.
A higher bitrate or lower resolution could help, but in these situations some people might want to make sure certain sources (such as the camera) are less likely to be blurred than others.
You also have to deal with the bitrate limits in place by the streaming services (and I know Twitch is one of the worst), so increasing bitrate has a ceiling and not everyone wants to lower their resolution.

If this is already possible in some way please let me know!