A while ago my on-board audio died. None of the 3.5 mm outputs are working, they don't even appear in the system settings.
I can't afford a new mobo at the moment (would have to fully upgrade my system, since I have an AMD FX8150).
To output system audio I use a Samson Meteor Mic (USB). It looks like this: the mic is connected via USB, my headset is connected to the mic's 3.5 mm output; in playback devices I have my mic working as speakers at the same time (sounds weird, but it works fine).
It worked fine until I came back to streaming CSGO. When I start OBS, the audio channels get reversed. Sounds I'm supposed to hear from the left side, I hear from the right side. After trying different things in Windows and OBS, I figured out that it happens as soon as you add CSGO as a source and make it visible! If you hide the source or delete it, the sound becomes normal.
I honestly don't know how to fix this, since the microphone is a plug and play device. I tried using a crappy external soundcard, and it fixed everything. However, using it isn't going to work for me (the sound is terrible).
If there is any information I can provide, let me know.
Here's the latest log. There I tried recording some gameplay. Something I forgot to mention though: the audio on stream / recording is fine. It only appears reversed in my headset. I also tried earbuds, same effect.
My headset is Sennheiser HD215 II.
I can't afford a new mobo at the moment (would have to fully upgrade my system, since I have an AMD FX8150).
To output system audio I use a Samson Meteor Mic (USB). It looks like this: the mic is connected via USB, my headset is connected to the mic's 3.5 mm output; in playback devices I have my mic working as speakers at the same time (sounds weird, but it works fine).
It worked fine until I came back to streaming CSGO. When I start OBS, the audio channels get reversed. Sounds I'm supposed to hear from the left side, I hear from the right side. After trying different things in Windows and OBS, I figured out that it happens as soon as you add CSGO as a source and make it visible! If you hide the source or delete it, the sound becomes normal.
I honestly don't know how to fix this, since the microphone is a plug and play device. I tried using a crappy external soundcard, and it fixed everything. However, using it isn't going to work for me (the sound is terrible).
If there is any information I can provide, let me know.
Here's the latest log. There I tried recording some gameplay. Something I forgot to mention though: the audio on stream / recording is fine. It only appears reversed in my headset. I also tried earbuds, same effect.
My headset is Sennheiser HD215 II.