Question / Help Sound inputs

Hello. I want to create a broadcast with 2 sources on my MacBook Pro.

Scene 1: HD Camera Blackmagic Device (Only the sound of the camera for this scene)
Scene 2: FaceTime or Skype (The sound of Skype speaker + the sound of Blackmagic... NOT the Mac's microphone)

I can set up Skype + Blackmagic... But I can't just use Blackmagic in Scene 1... Skype sound always there.

Do anybody can help me?

Thank you


Active Member
You're saying scene 1 has only one audio input, which is direct access to the blackmagic device, and yet default output sound from Skype is still there? That shouldn't happen.

What software are you using for desktop audio capture?
I can set-up a aggregated device with Blackmagic + Soundflower.
But when I go to OBS, I can't split the sound. To use just Blackmagic on scene 1 and Soundflower on scene 2


Active Member
Can you take screenshots of your sound inputs? Are you saying that you have a scene with ONLY the Blackmagic as an input, and yet Soundflower sound is still there?

What does your mixer look like? (Gear above inputs panel).