Here's an example of the problem and me trying to explain it:
at 2:11 in the video you can hear a car.
I am not outside, my computer is not making noise, I have no windows open at this moment or at the point of time I recorded.
if you know a fix to this issue, please let me know.
I have been speculating a bit on what could cause it, and I've found that this noise appears when the CMD loads up a script or something from when I start obs.
at 2:11 in the video you can hear a car.
I am not outside, my computer is not making noise, I have no windows open at this moment or at the point of time I recorded.
if you know a fix to this issue, please let me know.
I have been speculating a bit on what could cause it, and I've found that this noise appears when the CMD loads up a script or something from when I start obs.