Some suggestions for Simplified Chinese pages


New Member
I noticed that on this page, people also translated the software name.
"OBS Studio" → "OBS 工作室版本"(OBS Workshop Version)

In fact, in the Chinese context, "Studio" is often considered to be "Workshop".

So many Streamers and even the media people think that OBS Classic is the best version.

I think we should give up to translate software name to eliminate this cognitive error. (Can someone tell me what should I say in this sentence?)

The same situation also occurs in the translation of OBS Classic.
"OBS Classic" → "OBS 经典版本" (OBS Classic Version)

I suggest to change the language identifier.
zh-cn → zh-hans
In the language selection box at the bottom of the website is written in Chinese (Simplified), not Chinese (China).
And avoid some political issues.