Question / Help [SOLVED] Black screen with Deflemask (chiptune tracker)


New Member
Greetings. I'm getting a black or transparent screen in both the classic OBS 0.657b and in Studio 0.15.2 when using Deflemask.

I'm currently running Windows 10 on a desktop with an GTX 750Ti, single monitor.

I have a laptop running Windows 7 with a GT750m and it works completely fine on it.

No other programs have this issue, just Deflemask. It's not a 3D program and I do not know what method is used to draw the window. The .ini file has no values I can change that would affect this.

I know that this happens with chrome until you turn on hardware acceleration, so I'm wondering if this is the same reason.

Anyone know why this happens with Deflemask?

Edit: I just tried Famitracker (NES chiptune tracker) and it works fine with that.


New Member
So I solved the problem. I was adding this as a Window Capture. I tried adding it as a Game Capture and that fixed it.

Hopes this helps others with other programs.