Question / Help [SOLVED] Avermedia Recentral 3 & 4 crash when opening while device is plugged in issues.


So I'm stumped. I know this isn't related to OBS... but it's affecting my ability to change some key settings that only seemed accessible within RECentral.

Anyways! Whenever I open RECENTRAL 3 and/or 4 (which is the latest version), the program when LGX is plugged in... it just crashes upon opening it, sometimes I get a glimpse of the feed within it. Regardless, it inexplicably closes upon opening the software.

On OBS Studio, LGX just works fine without a hitch.

Has anyone encountered this issue with Avermedia's Recentral 3/4 software for the LGX?

Would love to find the fix, but I seem to be stuck without knowing what's really happening.

Maybe I'm missing some essential software that Recentral finds essential to run properly...?

Thanks in advance! I'll be posting my dxdiag file under this same post if it helps anyone figure out my issue.


  • DxDiag.txt
    95.6 KB · Views: 97


If this is what you mean... then here you go.






These next 4 are the same log but with the details a bit more expanded.





It seems there's an issue with .NET Runtime... I did try to reinstall/repair Visual Studio 2017, hoping this was the issue and hoping that it would solve the issue... but to no avail, it didn't help the situation at all.

Hopefully any of this is of any use in helping me solve this issue.

Thanks in advance!


Contacted Avermedia's Tech support like about 2-3 days ago, and still haven't gotten a response on this issue... guessing no one has across this error at all?

If anything, hopefully they get back to me tomorrow, since maybe they don't check on non-working days and sent them a message too close to the weekend. Hopefully someone has a solution for this.


Fixed my issue. For those wondering, since I was starting to come down to the conclusion that it was a problem beyond helping... at least by the hands of Avermedia and/or OBS tech support.

It was after all a .NET Runtime issue, and I figure it was due to corrupted files/components.

Since Microsoft with Windows 10 updates have pretty much made them mandatory updates that you can't just easily get rid off... and by that I mean, you can't uninstall them through any proper procedure... and even when I did find a backdoor way of doing so, I wasn't allowed to reinstall it because it was somehow detecting that I already had the latest version... so yeah, you can't just reinstall .NET Runtime Framework update on top of the same build version... which I find it extremely obtuse way of doing things if things do go downhill, by locking you out of fixing the issues yourself.

So I had either two options, either do a fresh install of the current Windows 10 update (version 1709) and keep all my files... or worse come to worse just do a CLEAN INSTALL which would require me to back up everything... regardless, no matter what option I pick with reinstalling the Windows... I still have to go through the hassle of having to reconfigure all of my personal Windows 10 settings & even reinstall all of my software that are closely tied to Windows settings or anything else that gets overwritten despite being able to keep your files.

I thought to myself... why don't I just go the simple route of signing up to Insider Preview Builds through the 'Windows Insider Program'? There's bound to be newer test builds, past the official build that's out for everyone!

Yes, pulled through with it... and .NET Runtime is finally fixed and I don't have to reconfigure anything.

Geez! This was such a headache. Not letting your overlap a reinstall of .NET Runtime Framework and taking away choice and options from the end-user is probably one of the worst things Microsoft could have done... and I bet they will continue taking away control from the end-user to streamline Windows even more.

So yeah, installing a Insider Build under Windows 10, if you're already up to date with the latest official Windows 10 build is probably one of the best things you can do to easily circumvent critical issues such as this, probably one of the best ways to circumvent critical install failures of key components that make programs crash or go haywire.

So problem solved! I couldn't be happier. Probably solved other issues I had yet to experience with .NET Runtime not properly working. If you ever come across something like this under Windows 10, you can always try this method instead of going through the headache of a fresh install.