Question / Help Software Crashes


New Member
I am having issues when there are power failures and computer freezes where I do not get audio on my Youtube channel when it restarts. Say there is a power failure. When the power comes on the softare re-launches and I restart the stream but the Youtube Stream has no audio. I have found that I have to Uninstall and Delete OBS from my Mac Mini and re-install it. Then, because I had to start a new stream, I have to re-program the Embed code on my website for viewers to view the feed. This also happened today when, for some reason, after 310 hours, OBS and the Mac Mini froze. The clock (Timer) was still running but the video was frozen and the MacMini wouldnt respond. I had to force restart the Mini and when the stream was re-established, there was no audio going to Youtube. Audio Meters on OBS are running and I usually get output coming from the Mini. But not through to Youtube.


New Member
OK, I am going to try this again as I am still having the issue. I was having an issue, as posted more recently, where OBS would crash every time I opened it. That also started when the computer froze while streaming. I Installed 22.0.3 ? and it continued the problem. I then reverted back to an earlier version and no luck. Today, I just went back into the office and checked the computer for Mac Updates. There was one but it had to do with Camera Raw files. I updated anyway and tried OBS again. It prompted to install the 22.0.3 update so I did. Now OBS is opening again but still, I have no audio streaming to Youtube. As mentioned above, every time this happens I have to uninstall all of OBS and then re-install it. I am away from that computer so I can't download a log. I can post it later. But, anyone have any experience with this that can help. Is there a setting that I need to look for that would get reset every time the software closes, perhaps. Thanks if anyone can help.


Active Member
What third party software are you using to capture audio?

Camera Raw updates have nothing to do with OBS whatsoever, and certainly not with audio.

Have you checked which tracks your audio devices are assigned to, and which audio track is selected for streaming in stream output? Or are you using simple mode? Not much else to ask without a log.

How to capture desktop audio on Mac


New Member
Not sure what you mean. I have a BlackMagic Intensity Shuttle that I use to take a Composite feed from a broadcast server, Leightronix Ultranexxus, via RCAs. I feed that into a MacMini to stream to the Youtube with OBS. I run a stream from a cable channel 24/7 and it will run for about 300 hours and the computer will usually freeze. Or, due to power failures the computer will shut down and need to be restarted. All will be working fine beforehand. I can restart the computer and, in fact, when it boots, it will bring up OBS right away. I can hear the audio coming from the computer and the meters will be active and then when I restart the stream, There will be no audio to Youtube. The only fix I have been able to find is to completely uninstall and delete OBS and reinstall it. Incidentally, I run 2 MacMinis and Intensity Shuttles for 2 cable channels. Same settings and setups. Both will experience Freezes and Power failures but one machine, will not have the audio problem when the stream is restarted. It will pick up without any issues while the other machine will restart with audio playing through the computer's speakers but not streaming. I will try and post a log as soon as I can get one.