Small Hitches Recording


New Member
Hey guys. New to recording and such. I’m recording lossless gameplay using simple mode however this same thing happens in other modes.

My footage looks great and all works seemingly well, no frame drops or anything. However occasional here and there are tiny short glitches where the video pauses/glitches for like half a second. Only thing I could think of is hard drive.

Im running RTX 2080 Super, Ryzen 3900x with 32gb3200 Ram. Recording to a standard 7200 data drive. Game is on an ssd.

Any ideas? I’m not home but can post logs if I need to when I get home.

Thanks in advance.


New Member
Now that I am home here are some more details:

I tried recording in Simple Mode MP4 or MKV (I stopped using MKV because it was not giving me my multi track audio (even when imported into Premiere etc) using the Indistinguishable preset, MP4, with NVENC. I tried advanced settings Using NVEC, lossless, 2 keyframe

Here are modes I have tried and having similar issue with both:

Simple Mode
Indistinguishable Preset

Advanced Mode
2 keyframe interval
Quality Preset
Proflie high
Look ahead and Psycho Visual checked
4 Max B-Frames

Both give me the same results. I will try to possible record two short videos that I can upload to show (the videos I have right now are 30 mins long.

For Audio I have Sample rate set to 44.1khz, Stereo. I have 2 audio devices, a Mic (USB Finite K670) and then my DAC Audio (main audio from game/PC). All channels are set toe 320 Bitrate (I've not tested a lower bitrate, been told audio bitrate shouldn't affect recording.)

My computer monitor is 2560x1440 G-Sync monitor, however I disable G-sync for recording games as it always causes issues. I have the game locked at 59 FPS and I am playing in 2560x1440 but I am downscaling in OBS to 1080p. using 60 FPS, Lanczos Filter.

I do have a Logitech C920 Webcam on which is set to 1080p but the stutter happens even if I turn off the camera or it is not active in a scene so I don't think that is an issue.

I just realized I recently started using "Above Normal" process in advanced, not sure if I should try Normal or high here?

Video format is NV12, 709 Colorspace, Partial Range. I have FORCE GPU AS RENDER DEVICE as unchecked. Unsure whatthis should be set to.

Wondering if maybe I should get a new NVME drive (currently have none) and use for my recording drive?


New Member
Sorry for triple post I cannot see an edit button.

I did a small test video twice and got the stuttering, moved the recording drive to my OS SSD and now it seems to be solved.
I was under the impression drive should not matter for recording, but could this be the case?

Or was this just a coincidence? I will do further testing.


Active Member
Record a file to your 7200 HDD. Copy the file to your SSD. Then watch that file. If there is no issue then it's just a limitation of the read speed of the HDD.


New Member
Record a file to your 7200 HDD. Copy the file to your SSD. Then watch that file. If there is no issue then it's just a limitation of the read speed of the HDD.

I actually though of that earlier. I do know that some of my lossless recordings are laggy until I render them. I think I tested this already though by rendering it in media encoder to a really low format..then playing it..the hitches were still there. This is a diff thing from like laggy playback. Since I put in the NVME this issue has gone away.

Now I have to figure out why I have 40-50 FPS instead of 60 :( I have 60 in game..and CPU usage is only like 5% while not sure why my FPS is only 40.


New Member
Gah why is there no edit on these forums..or am I missing it.

I think it's mostly an issue with Fallout 4. Other games record fine..FO4 is a mess.


New Member
No edit there, maybe I am too new lol.

I am so frustrated with OBS (not OBS itself just in trying to get it set up properly) - I have a very nice system so I didn't expect there to be so many issues just recording gameplay with a cam over it. I think it's just that Fallout 4 doesn't play nice when it's all modded up.

I can record with Shadowplay in 1440p 60 with 0 hiccups or issues (although it's clear it's not fully lossless quality) but of course that has not all the features I need (scenes, camera, etc)

At wits end here (watching so many "best settings" videos and trying to figure out what I can do to improve.


New Member
I think with this game the key is to switch from NVENC to h264. Every guide EVER that I read says if you have a good nVidia card to use NVENC - but what I find is that my CPU usage is only like 2% when using NVENC so that tells me my GPU is being taxed really hard.

Switched to x264 same lossless (or indistinguishable) quality and now I have constant 60 fps recording. CPU usage jumps to around 20% which is still great.

Putting that 3900x to use. I figured it was dumb to record with my GPU when my GPU usage was always 85-90% while my CPU usage in almost every game is like 25%... but I was going off all the many guides (probably 20-25 I have read/watched)...
