Question / Help SLI Capture broken even with "multi-adapter compatibility" checked


New Member
I'm aware that "Game Capture" by default will only capture frames rendered by a single card in a SLI setup. By using RivaTurner I can see both FPS in-game and on the OBS preview window. It is always exactly half the FPS displayed in-game. Clearly it is only captured frames rendered by one of the two GPUs (in-game ~80fps and OBS ~40fps).

I was under the impression that enabling "multi-adapter compatibility" in Game Capture would take care of this but it actually makes it worse. More frames are captured now but it's extremely jittery - as if the captured frames are being displayed in random order.

Take a look at this:

Has anyone successfully used Game Capture on an SLI setup with "multi-adapter compatibility" enabled?
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