Question / Help Skype window extremely laggy in OBS capture

Been using a similar setup for quite awhile.... I have a webcam on myself, and my podcast co-host is calling in through so I've window capped his screen. We've tried Skype, Zoom, and Discord and ended up sticking with Zoom.

Phase 1 - when I first started doing this setup, his video was about a second or two behind his video, but it stayed at that same rate throughout our entire call/episode. See example here:

Phase 2 - a few weeks after that, all of a sudden, his video would go completely out of sync after we'd been on a call for about 30 minutes. It'd be fine for 30m, then his video would be about 6 seconds behind the audio. See example here:

Phase 3 - now, without changing any settings, the video is laggy as hell... besides now being 6+ seconds out of sync the frame rate on the window cap is awful, and you can barely see what's happening. itself looks fine. See example here:

Is there any fix for this? I had hoped Discord would be a clearer video for him, but at the end of the day the window capture is lagging like crazy.

At my wit's end.



New Member
I've got the same problem. Read the pinned thread at the top. "Known obs mac bugs" Good luck.