Skype NDI + multiple guests


New Member

I've read a few different threads online from both Microsoft and on the forum about solving potential audio issues when using Skype NDI. Specifically when bringing in more than one person, you end up with audio echo. This is because it's not currently possible to separate the NDI video from the audio, it all gets mixed into one feed. Then when you add multiple people in a scene, you get double the audio, (with a slight delay).

This isn't a problem if you plan to use a single scene, with two or more people. Just mute all but one of the outputs and problem solved.

But what if you want to be able to have a multicam scene, and then cut between individual people full-screen? Their audio will be muted globally, unless you create shortcuts to un-mute when switching. That can get complicated!

For example:

Scene 1: Main person, full screen
Scene 2: Second person, full screen
Scene 3: Third person, full screen
Scene 3: All three people talking

If you've muted all but one audio source on Scene 3, then switching between the other scenes will mean that two of the other participants audio will be muted.

The simple workaround for this is to create two separate NDI sources for each person on the call.

Set up your main full screen scenes with the first NDI source, and then when you set up your 'multicam' use the second NDI source.

That way, when you mute all but one person on the multicam, it doesn't mute them on the other scenes. OBS treats each scene as seperate sources.

I hope that helps someone, because it's baffled me for a day and I've got a large company OBS stream to run over Skype and needed to find a solution!


New Member
Man... You deserve to be on a podium. I am trying to figure out this setup a weeks.

So, let me just show what I did.

My multicam via NDI Skype::::

Scene 1: Main person, full screen
Scene 2: Second person, full screen
Scene 3: Third person, full screen
Scene 3: All three people talking

I just created a Shortcut with "M" letter, working for MUTE and UNMUTE Scene 2 and 3, so when I cut to Scene 3 (all people screen), i press M and have just 1 audio running, so when I cut back for Scene 2 or Scene 3, I press M and the audios is running again.

Thanks a lot!


New Member
I've been struggling with this issue in the last few streams i did in the company that i work for. I'll try this out today. Thanks for the advice


New Member
Also wouldnt you only need ONE extra NDI source for the multicam shot, instead of creating two NDI sources per guest?


New Member
Alternatively you can just have one of your guest be the "microphone" and add their NDI source at the bottom layer of any scene needed to have voice audio. Only problem is that it can get audio desync if the connection quality of guests are different