Question / Help Skipping Frames (w/ log)


New Member
Hey Guys! New OBS MP User, long time OBS 1.0 user.

I've recently switched to a Dual PC, Windows 10, MP Setup.

I've never messed with logs so I'm sorry if i leave something out.. with the old OBS, I could very easily see exactly when my stream was being framey and dropping below my desired framerate.. however with the new OBS, there isn't that luxury..

I'm getting reports of my stream being laggy and skipping frames (NOT DROPPING THEM)

With the old obs I could bump up my settings, if i was experiencing lag, i'd just drop it.. but i'm not so sure with MP which is why i'm posting here.

Thanks for your time.



You have a beastly CPU, you are streaming x264 720p60 3500Kbps Medium and only skipped (1.1621%) which is impressive considering you are also recording with x264 1080p60 12Mbps Very Fast and skipped roughly the same amount (1.16532%). 4mins and 15secs of skipped frames out of 6 hours, both the recording and your stream most likely skipped at the same time.

I want to say recording x264 is pushing your CPU usage over the threshold, the threshold is nowhere near 100% either it's much lower than that

Have you considered using NVENC as your recording encoder? This will free up your CPU for x264 streaming and allow you to push much higher bitrates on recordings


New Member
Thanks for the response, Dedrick. I'm really trying to push out the best possible content on both twitch and YouTube.
YouTube allowing a higher bitrate thus allowing a better looking higher resolution.

I want to continue pushing my processor as hard as possible on the stream but again, i'm experiencing these skips.

I know 4 minutes over 6 Hours seems really good, until you break it down.. thats 1 minute of skipping per 90 minutes.. or 1 second of skipping per 90 seconds.
Now that its been simplified down to seconds, its really annoying to watch. having a stream freeze up every minute and a half? ANNOYING. enough to make someone leave.. (in my opinion)

I've tried NVENC once. when i had a shit cpu that just didn't allow me to stream 60fps and the quality was just plain gross.. but unless you think that I can bump up the bitrate to make that up? say double it for the same quality and less cpu usage? would certainly give me room for error.

I hope my strict need for the perfect stream isn't overbearing - i truly appreciate the insight, was starting to think this thread was going to rot in the bottom on user submitted.



Your stream settings are fine you can leave them as is, try 25000-50000Kbps NVENC for your recording. Most of the short comings of VCE/QuickSync/NVENC can be overcome by throwing a butt ton of bits at it and lowering your MAX QP

I think by default you can't use 2 different encoders in simple mode, you will need to switch to Advanced


New Member
Thanks a ton for the help.

I tested out recording in NVENC while streaming today. the stream was SUPER Smooth (as expected).. heres a log:

however the recording quality was less than ideal... heres my settings:
and heres my recording:

very noticeable quality lose with NVENC @ 50K.. unless theres a setting i forgot, i think x264 is just going to reign king in the regard. the recording quality of it was just too good. example:

Thanks so much for your time!