Single pc streaming and gaming through Streamlabs OBS, having issue with party chat sounding wrong


New Member
My issue is my party chat sounds odd, almost blurring with the game audio, and my balancer on the mixamp is not helping separate game audio from my party chat audio. In fact when I adjust to hear more game audio, my party chat stays the same as game audio, and if I move my balancer to only hear party chat, I lose my game audio and my party chat together.

So here is my current set up. I game and stream on a single pc. I am streaming with Streamlabs OBS. All of my friends game on xbox. So I talk with them through the Xbox Console Companion app. I am using an Astro Mixamp with A40's. I do not have a capture card.


In order to have my party chat audio in my stream I have the Console Companion App settings set to:

Party: Astro MixAmp Pro Game

Microphone: Astro MixAmp Pro Voice


So I believe my issue is I have turned game and party audio into one channel through my MixAmp. Is there a way I can have the ability to both hear my party chat in my stream, and also to be able to adjust the amount of party chat to game audio I hear with the balancer?