Simplify Downloading Resources suggestions

I absolutely love the different options to choose from this forum over all. You guys/girls thought of everything. Unfortunately, I am not a programmer and feel that their is too much to read thru in terms of looking for what you want in order to download the particular resource. As a mac user I know I need to look for the .dmg installer in order for me to install the resource, but I've often tried to install resources that after the installer would decompress it would be an .exe file which I know is for Windows. I've also downloaded some that were really helpful. You would click download and you would immediately see the options (Mac Windows, 32 or 64 bit) and choose the right one for your system, but most of my resources make you search on github and then it gets frustrating to find what I need. Sometimes it's right there and others it's not.

I absolutely love OBS and what you're doing for this software, but I am just making a suggestion to just create a direct download link from the resource page.

Want to learn.