Simple recording/stream indicator


I'm proposing a simple recording/stream indicator for full-screen games while using OBS. A simple red dot at the bottom corner for recording or blue dot for streaming would do the trick. I haven't seen any threads on this since 2014, so might as well bring it up now :$


I would suggest using this theme:

That way "Start Streaming" or "Start Recording" buttons stay red when you go live or record.
I was meaning for fullscreen games where you can't see OBS in the background. And @adocilesloth, Red Dot is, at least for me, only a small icon in my taskbar. It disappears in fullscreen and upon returning back to the desktop from fullscreen is nowhere to be found.
I was meaning for fullscreen games where you can't see OBS in the background. And @adocilesloth, Red Dot is, at least for me, only a small icon in my taskbar. It disappears in fullscreen and upon returning back to the desktop from fullscreen is nowhere to be found.
Ah, okay, fair enough. I've never used it but the description sounded like it was what you were looking for.


New Member
My solution was in Notification Area settings on my PC. I selected OBS as an icon to appear on the taskbar. Now when I am recording in OBS, the icon reflects this status with a red dot.


New Member
Here's what I'm doing at the moment.
I have a webcam with a light on it.
In it's properties I select "deactivate when not showing".
I set the same hotkeys for start/stop recording and show/hide webcam.
I position my webcam in the far corner and make it 0 in size.

(I suppose I could also place my webcam beneath/behind the game source)

Now when I use my hotkeys to toggle on/off my recording the webcam light goes on and off to match.
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