Simple Local Server via ffmpeg!


New Member
Use this as a local server and then point custom stream to it like rtmp://

while true; do ffmpeg -re -listen 1 -i rtmp:// -y -f flv /tmp/test.flv ; sleep 1; done

If you want to just record you must the streamer have going to.

BTW it be cool if OBS could store for each destination like yt, fb, its own streaming key..

Whith the above you leave your key in it.


New Member
Use this as a local server and then point custom stream to it like rtmp://

while true; do ffmpeg -re -listen 1 -i rtmp:// -y -f flv /tmp/test.flv ; sleep 1; done

If you want to just record you must the streamer have going to.

BTW it be cool if OBS could store for each destination like yt, fb, its own streaming key..

Whith the above you leave your key in it.
Thx mate, helped me out!