Simple currently pressed keys indicator


30.12.12 - v1.1
+ Added the left and right mouse buttons
* Better buttons placement
* Narrower spacebar button
* Closing the Arrows window doesn't kill script
* Closing windows changes item names in the Tray menu
- Abandoned the 'Clicking' version because of AutoHotkey limits
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I've made a simple AutoHotKey script based on Jon's On-Screen keyboard, which will draw a tiny keyboard showing currently pressed keys. As for now, there are three ways of showing currently pressed keys:

EnableAndDisable & ShowAndHide use the same function with different parameter, so you can change it under the configuration section of AHK file. The clicking version uses different function so I post it as a different script. To set it up, simply start the script and move windows to desired location, and then set up a Monitor Capture with subregion in OBS.

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New Member
If you use -SysMenu instead of -ToolWindow it will let you use "Window Capture" instead of "Monitor Capture," which saves a lot of time. If it gets messed up showing one window for all captures you can hide/show the source to fix it.