Question / Help Showing last line (only) of updated text file as text in OBS

Paul Daniels

New Member
I'm trying to add a text overlay that reads the last current line of a log/text file ( similar effect to tail -n 1 -f somefile.txt.

I've tried the Text (FreeType2) from a file, but that either renders the whole file (obviously) or even if I pick "chat mode (6 lines)" it's not really what I'm after.

Is there an existing solution, or should I look at modifying the current plugin to have variable line # playback ?

Many thanks. Apologies in advance if this is well explained elsewhere.

Paul Daniels

New Member
I solved my own issue by rewriting the program that produces the text file of interest. I make it now just rewind to the start of the file and overwrite, so effectively the file only has the one line, and now works fine with the existing FreeType2 facility.